"All words are made up!"
Wrong. It's not an argument, it's not profound, it's just a red flag that you're dealing with a reddit-addicted tardspeaker who thinks he's Pootie Tang.
Most words aren't made up, they're built using syllables that have meanings passed down through generations. It's the foundation of language. Over time these meanings became inherent and immutable.
When idiots make up words you get trendy short-lived terms like "yeet". It's why using these made up words nonstop gets idiots looked down on by anyone with an education. They can't be casually communicated without someone first explaining what this new gibberish word is supposed to mean.
"All words are made up!"
Wrong. It's not an argument, it's not profound, it's just a red flag that you're dealing with a reddit-addicted tardspeaker who thinks he's Pootie Tang.
Most words aren't made up, they're built using syllables that have meanings passed down through generations. It's the foundation of language. Over time these meanings became inherited and immutable.
When idiots make up words you get trendy short-lived terms like "yeet". It's why using these made up words nonstop gets idiots looked down on by anyone with an education. They can't be casually communicated without someone first explaining what this new gibberish word is supposed to mean.