Thanks for the video link I missed that one. Yes it's the same people who now virtue signal about diversity that were the obnoxious racists that called you a weirdo for playing import carts in the past.
Unfortunately that stigma affected Japanese devs a lot.
I don't believe them. For once I have to agree with u/dekachin this guy is being a drama queen.
Thanks for the video link I missed that one. Yes is the same people who now virtue signal about diversity that were the obnoxious racists that called you a weirdo for playing import carts in the past.
Unfortunately that stigma affected Japanese devs a lot.
I don't believe them. For once I have to agree with u/dekachin this guy is being a drama queen.
Thanks for the video link I missed that one. Yes is the same people who now virtue signal about diversity that were the obnoxious racists that called you a weirdo for playing import carts in the past.
Unfortunately that stigma affected Japanese devs a lot.
I don't believe them. For once I have to agree with u/dekachin this guy is just whining for attention.