do you people seriously expect a fair trial? do you think the courts are an impartial arbiter? do you think logic even applies here? there's one law for you and another law for the elites.
for the left, having the nerve to make the party look bad is one of the most unforgivable crimes you could commit. especially if you're some pissant commoner.
if you think this lawsuit was entirely Hunter Biden's idea you simply don't understand how these things work. this is a display of power. the elites are reaffirming that if you have the right friends
you can get away with anything, even the kind of things Hunter allegedly did
if someone tries to hold you accountable, they will be punished.
do you people seriously expect a fair trial? do you think the courts are an impartial arbiter? do you think logic even applies here? there's one law for you and another law for the elites.
for the left, having the nerve to make the party look bad is one of the most unforgivable crimes you could commit. especially if you're some pissant commoner.
if you think this lawsuit was entirely Hunter Biden's idea you simply don't understand how these things work. this is a display of power. he's reaffirming to his voters that if you have the right friends
you can get away with anything, even the kind of things Hunter allegedly did
if someone tries to hold you accountable, they will be punished.
do you people seriously expect a fair trial? do you think the courts are an impartial arbiter? do you think logic even applies here? there's one law for you and another law for the elites.
for the left, having the nerve to make the party look bad is one of the most unforgivable crimes you could commit. especially if you're some pissant commoner.
if you think this lawsuit was entirely Hunter Biden's idea you simply don't understand how these things work. this is a display of power. he's going to show that if you have the right friends
you can get away with anything, even the kind of things Hunter allegedly did
if someone tries to hold you accountable, they will be punished.
do you people seriously expect a fair trial? do you think the courts are an impartial arbiter? do you think logic even applies here? there's one law for you and another law for the elites.
for the left, having the nerve to make the party look bad is one of the most unforgivable crimes you could commit. especially if you're some pissant commoner.
if you think this lawsuit was entirely Hunter Biden's idea you simply don't understand how these things work. this is a display of power. he's going to show that if you have the right friends
you can get away with anything, even the kinds of things Hunter allegedly did
if someone tries to hold you accountable, they will be punished.
do you people seriously expect a fair trial? do you think the courts are an impartial arbiter? do you think logic even applies here? there's one law for you and another law for the elites.
for the left, having the nerve to make the party look bad is one of the most unforgivable crimes you could commit. especially if you're some pissant commoner.
if you think this lawsuit was entirely Hunter Biden's idea you simply don't understand how these things work. this is a display of power. he's going to show that if you have the right friends 1) you can get away with anything, even the kinds of things Hunter allegedly did, and 2) if someone tries to hold you accountable, they will be punished.