Let's see how fast they get canceled if they refuse to "adress their systemic -istophobist problems" when a costumer speaks ill of those who cannot be spoken ill of ( and also happen to own most of the banks and medias ).
They better carefully screen their candidates employees, least those stage protests, conspire to wokify the place, organize a "walkout" or "spontaneous restorative reparation plan" to "own da raciss".
Let's see how fast they get canceled if they refuse to "adress their systemic -istophobist problems" when a costumer speaks ill of those who cannot be spoken ill of ( and also happen to own most of the banks and medias ).
They better carefully screen their candidates employees, least those stage protests, conspire to wokify the place, organize a "walkout" or "spontaneous restorative reparation plan".
Let's see how fast they get canceled if they refuse to "adress their systemic -istophobist problems" when a costumer speaks ill of those who cannot be spoken ill of ( and also happen to own most of the banks and medias ).