Yeah it’s like high school, a thing done at homecoming and everyone not involved forgets about it immediately after. I have no clue who was elected to homecoming queen or king in any of my years of high school or college and I didn’t remember their name or picture 2 minutes after they announced who won. Not to put down those who won, but no one really cared. (I did not attend a hbcu though)
Yeah it’s like high school, a thing done at homecoming and everyone not involved forgets about it immediately afterwards. I have no clue who was elected to homecoming queen or king in any of my years of high school or college and I didn’t remember their name or picture 2 minutes after they announced who won. Not to put down those who won, but no one really cared. (I did not attend a hbcu though)
Yeah it’s like high school, a thing done at homecoming and everyone not involved forgets about it immediately afterwards. I have no clue who was elected to homecoming queen or king in any of my years of high school or college and I didn’t remember their name or picture 2 minutes after they announced who won. No to put down those who won, but no one really cared. (I did not attend a hbcu though)