However much it might be an over-generalisation of 'all blacks' as individuals who live all over the world, I don't see how anyone can deny the sense and logic of what he says as applied to the country and ideology which gave us BLM. Fostering anti-white grievance politics creates an existential peril for whites, which they have to recognise and fight against if they have any brains. This is the reality in South Africa and the history of Zimbabwe, Haiti, etc.
If 'not all whites' isn't sufficient to prevent white people from being the victims of anti-white rhetoric, then 'not all blacks' isn't good enough of a defence for them in response. I'm unconvinced that the whole world is as idpol-poisoned as much of America, but America sends its tendrils outwards so that I end up seeing BLM stickers on lampposts here half a world away. If it's gotten to the point where kids in my small town are confident enough to be promoting a racial terrorist organisation, my white ass doesn't have any moral responsibility to be distinguishing between the good darkies and the bad ones. That's the responsibility of blacks now and they better take it seriously.
However much it might be an over-generalisation of 'blacks' as individuals who live all over the world, I don't see how anyone can deny the sense and logic of what he says as applied to the country and ideology which gave us BLM. Fostering anti-white grievance politics creates an existential peril for whites, which they have to recognise and fight against if they have any brains. This is the reality in South Africa and the history of Zimbabwe, Haiti, etc.
If 'not all whites' isn't sufficient to prevent white people from being the victims of anti-white rhetoric, then 'not all blacks' isn't good enough of a defence for them in response. I'm unconvinced that the whole world is as idpol-poisoned as much of America, but America sends its tendrils outwards so that I end up seeing BLM stickers on lampposts here half a world away. If it's gotten to the point where kids in my small town are confident enough to be promoting a racial terrorist organisation, my white ass doesn't have any moral responsibility to be distinguishing between the good darkies and the bad ones. That's the responsibility of blacks now and they better take it seriously.