We rid of not only Russian language but everything Russian after we won independence and defeated the Bolsheviks.
The Moscow Orthodox cathedral was the largest building in Warsaw. So in 1926 we blew it up and demolished it without trace.
Most others of its kind too.
In 1990 we instantly stopped teaching kids Russian. Instead it's English and either German or French in high school later. (I got German, unfortunately. Das ist ein Kugelschreiber.)
We rid of not only Russian language but everything Russian after we won independence and defeated the Bolsheviks.
The Moscow Orthodox cathedral was the largest building in Warsaw. So in 1926 we blew it up and demolished it without trace.
Most others of its kind too.
In 1990 we instantly stopped teaching kids Russian. Instead it's English and either German or French.
We rid of not only Russian language but everything Russian after we won independence and defeated the Bolsheviks.
The Moscow Orthodox cathedral was the largest building in Warsaw. So in 1926 we blew it up and demolished it without trace.
Most others of its kind too.
Qw rid of not only Russian language but everything Russian after we won independence and defeated the Bolsheviks.
The Moscow Orthodox cathedral was the largest building in Warsaw. So in 1926 we blew it up and demolished it without trace.
Most others of its kind too.