Rightwingers cheering these laws on, are basically cheering for the end of the Anonymous internet and for Wokesheviks in corporations & government to know the names & addresses of people who post "wrong-think" on social media.
No, I am not some lolbert that thinks you can do absolutely nothing about young kids seeing porn on the internet, there is less intrusive government solutions, such as requiring the modern software equilvent of a v-chip in any computer, smart phone, smart TV, etc.
Rightwingers cheering these laws on, are basically cheering for the end of the Anonymous internet and for Wokesheviks in corporations & government to know the names & addresses of people who post "wrong-think" on social media.
No, I am not some lolbert that thinks you can do absolutely nothing about young kids seeing porn on the internet, there is less intrusive government solutions, such as requiring the modern software equilvent of a v-chip in any internet conntected device that uses a screen.