Decrim does not go far enough. It simply allows drugged-out degenerates to feel they have license to stagger around the streets on the nod or shoot up in public.
Total legalization of all pharmaceutical "recreational" drugs, sold to 18+ at already-established pharmacies, with zero marketing or advertising (like cigarettes) is the way forward, with no dedicated drug shops other than cannabis, since pot is a relatively benign drug, safer and more user-friendly than alcohol or any other drug taken for pleasure. Eventually, cannabis cafes like those in Holland should replace the current trashy US legal pot shops that market themselves openly and idiotically. Laissez-faire drug selling, even of cannabis, is no longer possible as it was prior to prohibition, thanks to "drug culture."
This scheme would require severe penalties for public intoxication, with greater penalties for publicly using drugs in any way (with one or two exceptions) and greater penalties still for black-marketeering, which shouldn't be a problem if prices aren't over-inflated by predatory taxation, as we see in the case of legal cannabis.
Decrim does not go far enough. It simply allows drugged-out degenerates feel they have license to stagger around the streets on the nod or shoot up in public.
Total legalization of all pharmaceutical "recreational" drugs, sold to 18+ at already-established pharmacies, with zero marketing or advertising (like cigarettes) is the way forward, with no dedicated drug shops other than cannabis, since pot is a relatively benign drug, safer and more user-friendly than alcohol or any other drug taken for pleasure. Eventually, cannabis cafes like those in Holland should replace the current trashy US legal pot shops that market themselves openly and idiotically. Laissez-faire drug selling, even of cannabis, is no longer possible as it was prior to prohibition, thanks to "drug culture."
This scheme would require severe penalties for public intoxication, with greater penalties for publicly using drugs in any way (with one or two exceptions) and greater penalties still for black-marketeering, which shouldn't be a problem if prices aren't over-inflated by predatory taxation, as we see in the case of legal cannabis.