It's Portland so I don't feel bad. Fuck'em, if they charge 10 bucks or so for streaming feed of their city cams I would pay for it.
edit: Apparently the cleanest part of Portland is their sub-reddit. 6 results from the past year using keyword Junkie. Is there a real sub where people from Portland post the reality of living there?
It's Portland so I don't feel bad. Fuck'em, if they charge 10 bucks or so for streaming feed of their city cams I would pay for it.
edit: Apparently the cleanest part of Portland is their sub-reddit. 6 results from the past year using keyword Junkie. Is there a real sub where people in Portland post the reality of living there?
It's Portland so I don't feel bad. Fuck'em, if they charge 10 bucks or so for streaming feed of their city cams I would pay for it.