They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs as workers. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China rather urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere. India actually has a similar problem, to a degree (109 men per 100 women even as women live longer just don't get aborted, meaning some serious shortage of bobs & vegana for many millions of young men with moustaches).
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs as workers. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China rather urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere. India actually has a similar problem, to a degree (109 men per 100 women even as women live longer just don't get aborted, meaning some serious shortage of bobs & vegana).
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs as workers. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China rather urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere. India actually has a similar problem, to a degree (109 men per 100 women even as women live longer just don't get aborted, meaning some serious shortage of bobs & vagana).
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs as workers. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China rather urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere. India actually has a similar problem, to a degree.
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs as workers. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere. India actually has a similar problem, to a degree.
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs as workers. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere. India actually has a similar problem, to a degree.
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere. India actually has a similar problem, to a degree.
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
Meanwhile Red China urgently needs to import tens of millions of non-Chinese women from somewhere.
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They started to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They stated to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strength, as he says (
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They stated to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself include a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongols in uniform. Diversity is their strenght, as he says (
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They stated to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself inclyde a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongoloids in uniform. Diversity is their strenght, as he says (
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They stated to introduce free movement agreements.
And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself inclyde a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin). His other top men include a bunch of other Jewish oligarchs and a pair of Mongoloids in uniform. Diversity is their strenght, as they say themselves.
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They stated to introduce free movement agreements. And the leading candidates to replace Putin himself inclyde a Caucasian (Kadyrov) and a Jew (Prigozhin).
They no longer have any African (post) colonies, Macron completely left Africa last year (for Red China and Wagner).
Interestingly Russians seem to plan to import Africans to replace the dying off Slavs. They stated to introduce free movement agreements.