As I said, our centuries old basic prayer is asking to provide for "our common bread". In the 19th century you had just a disruption of the supply of potatoes in Ireland (unlike ours black bread plus groat which is what the lower classes consumed until the 20th) and like half of the population either died or fled to America. Why do you think rice is "still" so important in China, Vietnam, and even the insular Japan?
As I said, our centuries old basic prayer is asking to provide for "our common bread". In the 19th century you had just a disruption of the supply of potatoes in Ireland (unlike ours black bread plus groat which is what the lower classes consumed until the 20th) and like half of the population either died or fled to America. Why do you think rice is so important in China, Vietnam, and even the insular Japan?
As I said, our centuries old basic prayer is asking to provide for "our common bread". In the 19th century you had just a disruption of the supply of potatoes in Ireland (unlike ours black bread plus groat which is what the lower classes consumed until the 20th) and like half of the population either just died or fled to America. Why do you think rice is so important in China, Vietnam, and even the insular Japan?
As I said, our centuries old basic prayer is asking to provide for "our common bread". In the 19th century you had just a disruption of the supply potatoes in Ireland (unlike ours black bread plus groat which is what the lower classes consumed) and like half of the population either just died or fled to America. Why do you think rice is so important in China, Vietnam, and even the insular Japan?