"YoUr TeArS ar-
Non-existent. You are an ugly, cum-stained, overweight furfaggot creature who managed make DnD even more unpalattable.
I can think of no better way to evaporate every bit of moisture in a room full of women than to mention the expanded DnD universe complete with wheelchair accessibility.
"YoUr TeArS ar-
Non-existent. You are an ugly, cum-stained, overweight furfaggot creature who managed make DnD even more unpalattable.
I can think of no better way not to evaporate every bit of moisture in a room full of women than to mention the expanded DnD universe complete with wheelchair accessibility.
"YoUr TeArS ar-
Non-existent. You are an ugly, cum-stained, overweight furfaggot creature who can make DnD even more stigma laden.
I can think of no better way not to evaporate every bit of moisture in a room full of women than to mention the expanded DnD universe complete with wheelchair accessibility.