I got report warned in a college town subreddit (which has daily reports about how open and welcoming their college town is to LGBTQIABCXYZ peeples) where somebody posted how his college town is not a welcoming place and hates those kind of people to a LGBTQIABCXYZ person asking it the college town was “safe” for LGBTQIABCXYZ peeples.
Reported the post for misinformation and was promptly reported by the troon mod for abuse because that was obviously a “factual” statement (except for all the times it isn’t - obviously they need to keep manufacturing victim status.)
I got report warned in a college town subreddit (which has daily reports about how open and welcoming their college town is to LGBTQIABCXYZ perplex) where somebody posted how his college town is not a welcoming place and hates those kind of people to a LGBTQIABCXYZ person asking it the college town was “safe” for LGBTQIABCXYZ peeples. Reported the post for misinformation and was promptly reported by the troon mod for abuse because that was obviously a “factual” statement (except for all the times it isn’t - obviously they need to keep manufacturing victim status.)