I live in an area that is seeing a huge influx of these types (and also boomers et al). Make sure they know that they are not welcome in your area. Don't pull any punches, or pussyfoot around the issue. Make them uncomfortable. When they're laying in bed at night about to fall sleep, ensure their last thoughts of the day are about how much your community hates them.
For starters, the only way they'll ever have an introspecitve thought is if you force it onto them. Second, the ones that won't change will leave. These people are like an infestation. If they find out that your community is welcoming, they'll invite their friends; and before you know it your quiet, mountain town is Bozeman or Livingston or Jackson; and you've got yuppies, lgbt only vape shops, and yoga retreats coming out of your ears.
I live in an area that is seeing a huge influx of these types (and also boomers et al). Make sure they know that they are not welcome in your area. Don't pull any punches or pussyfoot around the issue. Make them uncomfortable. When they're laying in bed at night, about to fall sleep, ensure their last thoughts for the day are about how much your community hates them.
For starters, it's the only way they'll ever have an introspecitve thought; if you force it onto them. Second, the ones that won't change will leave. These people are like an infestation. If they find out that your community is welcoming, they'll invite their friends; and before you know it your quiet mountain town is Bozeman or livingston or Jackson, and you've got yuppies, lgbt only vape shops, and yoga retreats coming out of your ears.
I live in an area that is seeing a huge influx of these types (and also boomers et al). Make sure they know that they are not welcome in your area. Don't pull any punches or pussyfoot around the issue. Make them uncomfortable. When they're laying in bed at night, about to fall sleep, let their last thoughts for the day be about how much your community hates them.
For starters, it's the only way they'll ever have an introspecitve thought; if you force it onto them. Second, the ones that won't change will leave. These people are like an infestation. If they find out that your community is welcoming, they'll invite their friends to your quiet mountain town; and before you know it, you're living in Bozeman or livingston or Jackson, and you've got yuppies, lgbt only vape shops and yoga retreats coming out of your ears.