I really wonder what made it downvoted. A mention of Zerrikania? In the games you can see a Zerrikanian person, he's very much a darkie there.
(He's also only one, because these lands are very much separated just as I mentioned.)
In the books, Zerrikanians may also well be white too: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/9e3dh2/psa_a_misconception_about_zerrikanians/ (Maybe so, and the twins in the comics actually weren't white. It's been over 20 years and I don't remember.)
But also as the post mentions, there's also even more exotic Zangwebar (a pseudo-Africa named after Zanzibar).
I really wonder what made it downvoted. A mention of Zerrikania? In the games you can see a Zerrikanian person, he's very much a darkie there.
(He's also only one, because these lands are very much separated just as I mentioned.)
In the books, Zerrikanians may also be white: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/9e3dh2/psa_a_misconception_about_zerrikanians/ (Maybe so.)
But also as the post mentions, there's also even more exotic Zangwebar (a pseudo-Africa named after Zanzibar).
I really wonder what made it downvoted. A mention of Zerrikania? In the games you can see a Zerrikanian person, he's very much a darkie there.
(He's also only one, because these lands are very much separated just as I mentioned.)
In the books, Zerrikanians may also be white: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/9e3dh2/psa_a_misconception_about_zerrikanians/ (Maybe so.)
But also as the post mentions, there's also even more exotic Zangwebar (pseudo-Africa named after Zanzibar).
I really wonder what made it downvoted. A mention of Zerrikania? In the games you can see a Zerrikanian person, he's very much a darkie there.
(He's also only one, because these lands are very much separated just as I mentioned.)
In the books, Zerrikanians may also be white: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/9e3dh2/psa_a_misconception_about_zerrikanians/ (Maybe so.)
But also as the post mentions, there's also even more exotic Zangwebar (pseudo-Africa, named after Zanzibar).
I really wonder what made it downvoted. A mention of Zerrikania? In the games you can see a Zerrikanian person, he's very much a darkie there.
(He's also only one, because these lands are very much separated just as I mentioned.)
In the books, Zerrikanians may also be white: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/9e3dh2/psa_a_misconception_about_zerrikanians/ (Maybe so.)
But also as the post mentions, there's also even more exotic Zangwebar (pseudo-Africa).
I really wonder what made it downvoted. A mention of Zerrikania? In the games you can see a Zerrikanian person, he's very much a darkie there.
(He's also only one, because these lands are very much separated just as I mentioned.)
In the books, Zerrikanians may also be white: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/9e3dh2/psa_a_misconception_about_zerrikanians/ (Maybe so.)
I really wonder what made it downvoted. A mention of Zerrikania? In the games you can see a Zerrikanian person, he's black there.
(He's also only one, because these lands are very much separated just as I mentioned.)
In the books, Zerrikanians may also be white: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/9e3dh2/psa_a_misconception_about_zerrikanians/ (Maybe so.)