I love how the two faggots put on face masks on afterwards, that's just perfect.
Oh, also, by the way, this happened in early February, a few weeks before the invasion. I found an article about it from Feb 8: https://tn-nova-cz.translate.goog/zpravodajstvi/clanek/454479-potycka-ve-slovenskem-parlamentu-poslanci-se-rvali-kvuli-vlajce-ukrajiny?_x_tr_sl=cs&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
The guys holding up the Slovak flag are from Marian Kotleba's party. The guy is a jackass but he's a proper nationalist, and has a great sense of humor. A few years ago he got famous for donating 1488 EUR to some gypsy charity, the seething was fucking amazing.
I love how the two faggots put on face masks on afterwards, that's just perfect.
Oh, also, by the way, this happened in early February - before the invasion - I found an article about it from Feb 8: https://tn-nova-cz.translate.goog/zpravodajstvi/clanek/454479-potycka-ve-slovenskem-parlamentu-poslanci-se-rvali-kvuli-vlajce-ukrajiny?_x_tr_sl=cs&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
The guys holding up the Slovak flag are from Marian Kotleba's party. The guy is a jackass but he's a proper nationalist, and has a great sense of humor. A few years ago he got famous for donating 1488 EUR to some gypsy charity, the seething was fucking amazing.
I love how the two faggots put on face masks on afterwards, that's just perfect.
Oh, also, by the way, this happened in early February - before the invasion - I found an article about it from Feb 8: https://tn-nova-cz.translate.goog/zpravodajstvi/clanek/454479-potycka-ve-slovenskem-parlamentu-poslanci-se-rvali-kvuli-vlajce-ukrajiny?_x_tr_sl=cs&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
The guys holding up the Slovak flag are from Marian Kotleba. The guy is a jackass but he's a proper nationalist, and has a great sense of humor. A few years ago he got famous for donating 1488 EUR to some gypsy charity, the seething was fucking amazing.
I love how the two faggots put on face masks on afterwards, that's just perfect.