I think she's seeing a real issue, but missing the mark when she assumes it's a men issue.
We absolutely have a very real socialization problem right now. There is no real road map for anyone regarding how we should be treating each other, and that's not an easy thing for anyone to navigate entirely on their own.
Even worse though, is that there are widespread influences encouraging us to take a hostile stance towards others (just look at the other comments in this thread). Communication with your partner is the foundation of a healthy relationship, but you must also be careful that you don't spend too much time engaging with Internet content that is detrimental to your relationship. How much time you spend with any given set of information will impact how important that becomes to forming your personality, and as more people spend more time online the Internet is taking over many people's personal development.
TL;DR: Spend more time with your partner, less time online. If you want a healthy relationship, your partner must be the most important influence in your life.
Edit: Here is the link to the actual video. Please watch the entire thing with an open mind and consider the actual substance of what she's saying, because she really does touch on important points.
I think she's seeing a real issue, but missing the mark when she assumes it's a men issue.
We absolutely have a very real socialization problem right now. There is no real road map for anyone regarding how we should be treating each other, and that's not an easy thing for anyone to navigate entirely on their own.
Even worse though, is that there are widespread influences encouraging us to take a hostile stance towards others (just look at the other comments in this thread). Communication with your partner is the foundation of a healthy relationship, but you must also be careful that you don't spend too much time engaging with Internet content that is detrimental to your relationship. How much time you spend with any given set of information will impact how important that becomes to forming your personality, and as more people spend more time online the Internet is taking over many people's personal development.
TL;DR: Spend more time with your partner, less time online. If you want a healthy relationship, your partner must be the most important influence in your life.
Edit: Here is the link to the actual video. Please watch the entire thing with an open mind and consider the actual substance to what she's saying, because she really does touch on important points.
I think she's seeing a real issue, but missing the mark when she assumes it's a men issue.
We absolutely have a very real socialization problem right now. There is no real road map for anyone regarding how we should be treating each other, and that's not an easy thing for anyone to navigate entirely on their own.
Even worse though, is that there are widespread influences encouraging us to take a hostile stance towards others (just look at the other comments in this thread). Communication with your partner is the foundation of a healthy relationship, but you must also be careful that you don't spend too much time engaging with Internet content that is detrimental to your relationship. How much time you spend with any given set of information will impact how important that becomes to forming your personality, and as more people spend more time online the Internet is taking over many people's personal development.
TL;DR: Spend more time with your partner, less time online. If you want a healthy relationship, your partner must be the most important influence in your life.
Edit: Here is the link to the actual video. Please watch the entire thing with an open mind and consider that actual substance to what she's saying, because she really does touch on important points.
I think she's seeing a real issue, but missing the mark when she assumes it's a men issue.
We absolutely have a very real socialization problem right now. There is no real road map for anyone regarding how we should be treating each other, and that's not an easy thing for anyone to navigate entirely on their own.
Even worse though, is that there are widespread influences encouraging us to take a hostile stance towards others (just look at the other comments in this thread). Communication with your partner is the foundation of a healthy relationship, but you must also be careful that you don't spend too much time engaging with Internet content that is detrimental to your relationship. How much time you spend with any given set of information will impact how important that becomes to forming your personality, and as more people spend more time online the Internet is taking over many people's personal development.
TL;DR: Spend more time with your partner, less time online. If you want a healthy relationship, your partner must be the most important influence in your life.