So for efficiency sake, charging a car will always be better than replaceable batteries? I'd just like a solution to electric cars two main issues:
Charging time
Range as you can have Jerry cans, you can't top up an electric unless at a designated spot.
There is the hidden third of when they get in an accident, catch fire and you gotta dunk them in a pond to wait for it to stop without the foam to put it out but that's a known danger.
So for efficiency sake, charging a car will always be better than replaceable batteries? I'd just like a solution to electric cars two main issues:
Charging time
Range as you can have Jerry cans, yoy can't top up an electric unless at a designated spot.
There is the hidden third of when they get in an accident, catch fire and you gotta dunk them in a pond to wait for it to stop without the foam to put it out but that's a known danger.