That's also the Polish gov (and opposition alike) line, the responsibility is 100% Russian. Just like all the civs killed by their fellow Americans in Pearl Harbor only died because of the Japanese attack.
Also the first Polish citizen who died in this war did in 2014, and he was brutally murdered by a drunken Russian fighter who first beat him in a street of Donetsk, then emptied his entire magazine into his legs (and pavement) and left him for dead. He was scooped to a hospital in Kharkiv, got one of his leg amputated but died 3 days later anyway. His name was Kazimierz Wróbel, he was living there with his local wife.
That's also the Polish gov (and opposition alkme) line, the responsibility is 100% Russian. Just like all the civs killed by their fellow Americans in Pearl Harbor only died because of the Japanese attack.
Also the first Polish citizen who died in this war did in 2014, and he was brutally murdered by a drunken Russian fighter who first beat him in a street of Donetsk, then emptied his entire magazine into his legs (and pavement) and left him for dead. He was scooped to a hospital in Kharkiv, got one of his leg amputated but died 3 days later anyway. His name was Kazimierz Wróbel, he was living there with his local wife.
That's also the Polish gov (and opposition alkme) line, the responsibility is 100% Russian. Just like all the civs killed by their fellow Americans in Pearl Harbor only died because of the Japanese attack.
Also the first Polish citizen who died in this war did in 2014, and he was brutally murdered by a drunken Russian fighter who first beat him in a street of Donetsk, then emptied his entire magazine into his legs (and pavement) and left him for dead. He was scooped to a hospital in Kharkiv, got one of his leg amputated but died 3 days later anyway. His name was Kazimierz Wróbel.
That's also the Polish gov (and opposition alkme) line, the responsibility is 100% Russian. Just like all the civs killed by their fellow Americans in Pearl Harbor only died because of the Japanese attack.
Also the first Polish citizen who died in this war did in 2014, and he was brutally murdered by a drunken Russian fighter who first beat him in a street of Donetsk, then emptied his entire magazine into his legs (and pavement) and left him for dead. He was scooped to a hospital in Kharkiv, got one of his leg amputated but died 3 days anyway. His name was Kazimierz Wróbel.
That's also the Polish gov (and opposition alkme) line, the responsibility is 100% Russian. Just like all the civs killed by their fellow Americans in Pearl Harbor only died because of the Japanese attack.
Also the first Polish citizen who died in this war did in 2014, and he was brutally murdered by a drunken Russian fighter who first beat him in a street of Donetsk, then emptied his entire magazine into his legs (and pavement) and left him for dead. He was scooped to a hospital, got one of his leg amputated but died 3 days anyway. His name was Kazimierz Wróbel.