You can't "trigger an explosion" (nuclear) like that, it's not a cartoon. Are you a literal child?
There was no any "false flag", it was an air defense missile (S-300). Russia hit Russian territory with their own air defense missiles many times while dealing with Ukrainian air raids, it's happening all the time in all modern conflicts. Ukrainians once shot down a Russian passenger plane full of Israelis during their joint training exercise with the Russians in their better times (2001 or so), and much more recently Iran shot down an Ukrainian passenger plane full of Iranians, also by human error. It's been always a huge problem, with some estimates saying that the British anti-aircraft fire could have killed more people than the Germans air raids did (unlikely), and probably all of American civilians who died in the Pearl Harbor attack were killed by the American gunners (very likely as the Japs attacked the military targets only - there was also a lot of American friendly fire on their own planes).
You can't "trigger an explosion" (nuclear) like that, it's not a cartoon. Are you a literal child?
There was no any "false flag", it was an air defense missile (S-300). Russia hit Russian territory with their own air defense missiles many times while dealing with Ukrainian air raids, it's happening all the time in all modern conflicts. Ukrainians once shot down a Russian passenger plane full of Israelis during their joint training exercise with the Russians in their better times (2001 or so), and much more recently Iran shot down an Ukrainian passenger plane full of Iranians, also by human error. It's been always a huge problem, with some estimates saying that the British anti-aircraft fire could have killed more people than the Germans air raids did (unlikely), and probably all of American civilians who died in the Pearl Harbor attack were killed by the American gunners (very likely as the Japs attacked the military targets only).
You can't "trigger an explosion" (nuclear) like that, it's not a cartoon. Are you a literal child?
There was no any "false flag", it was an air defense missile (S-300). Russia hit Russian territory with their own air defense missiles many times while dealing with Ukrainian air raids, it's happening all the time in all modern conflicts. Ukrainians once shot down a Russian passenger plane full of Israelis during their joint training exercise with the Russians in their better times (2001 or so), and much more recently Iran shot down an Ukrainian passenger plane full of Iranians, also by human error. It's been always a huge problem, with some estimates saying that the British anti-aircraft fire could have killed more people than the Germans air raids did, and probably all of American civilians who died in the Pearl Harbor attack were killed by the American gunners.
You can't "trigger an explosion" (nuclear) like that, it's not a cartoon. Are you a literal child?
There was no any "false flag", it was an air defense missile (S-300). Russia hit Russian territory with their own air defense missiles many times while dealing with Ukrainian air raids, it's happening all the time in all modern conflicts. Ukrainians once shot down a Russian passenger plane full of Israelis during their joint training exercise with the Russians in their better times (2001 or so), and much more recently Iran shot down an Ukrainian passenger plane full of Iranians, also by human error. It's been always a huge problem, with some estimates saying that British AAA could have killed more people than the Germans air raids did, and probably all of American civilians who died in the Pearl Harbor attack were killed by American AAA.
You can't "trigger an explosion" (nuclear) like that, it's not a cartoon. Are you a literal child?
There was no any "false flag", it was an air defense missile (S-300). Russia hit Russian territory with their own air defense missiles many times while dealing with Ukrainian air raids, it's happening all the time in all modern conflicts.
You can't "trigger an explosion" (nuclear) like that, it's not a cartoon. Are you a literal child?
There was no any "false flag", it was an air defense missile (S-300). Russia hit Russian territory with their own air defense missiles many times while dealing with Ukrainian air raids.