But if a Christian owned restaurant canceled an alphabet squad event because they felt "uncomfortable" it would literally be a Supreme Court case. Bake the cake.
I'm ready for a parallel economy. I don't think the squishy headed will survive the break up, though. You don't see many blurple haired goofs as lineman or plumbers.
But if a Christian owned restaurant canceled an alphabet squad event because they felt "uncomfortable" it would literally be a Supreme Court case. Bake the cake.
I'm ready for a parallel economy. I don't think the squishy headed will survive the break up, though. You don't see many pink haired goofs as lineman or plumbers.
But if a Christian owned restaurant canceled an alphabet squad event because they felt "uncomfortable" it would literally be a Supreme Court case. Bake the cake.
I'm ready for a parallel economy. I don't think the squishy headed will survive the break up, though.