Directed by Fred F Sears.
Sears's budget-stretching skills attracted the attention of Columbia staff producer Sam Katzman. Katzman was a notoriously cheap producer, making topical films so quickly that they could be playing in theaters while the topic was still hot. (wikipedia)
Producer Sam Katzman:
Sam was born to a Jewish family
Written by Jack Natteford and his wife.
"oy vey what if we made a film about annuduh" lol
Directed by Fred F Sears.
Sears's budget-stretching skills attracted the attention of Columbia staff producer Sam Katzman. Katzman was a notoriously cheap producer, making topical films so quickly that they could be playing in theaters while the topic was still hot. (wikipedia)
Producer Sam Katzman:
Sam was born to a Jewish family
Written by Jack Natteford and his wife.
oy vey what if we made a film about annuduh