It seems like the big two comic book companies one day just turned it over to rabid feminists. I’ve known women who actually like comics but they don’t seem to get hired. I’ve read good female authors in the murder mystery/crime drama genre and I know there are Sone in sci-fi/fantasy but I’d imagine the ratio for sci-fi is more male. I don’t count the ones from the past few years who win awards based on activism
It seems like the big two comic book company one day just turned it over to rabid feminists. I’ve known women who actually like comics but they don’t seem to get hired. I’ve read good female authors in the murder mystery/crime drama genre and I know there are Sone in sci-fi/fantasy but I’d imagine the ratio for sci-fi is more male. I don’t count the ones from the past few years who win awards based on activism
It seems like a he big two comic book company one day just turned it over to rabid feminists. I’ve known women who actually like comics but they don’t seem to get hired. I’ve read good female authors in the murder mystery/crime drama genre and I know there are Sone in sci-fi/fantasy but I’d imagine the ratio for sci-fi is more male. I don’t count the ones from the past few years who win awards based on activism