It was all downhill after the board let Eisner sack Katzenberg to stave off a coup.
Although really, it's all France's fault.
If French people hadn't been so down about Disney Paris then Eisner wouldn't have gone Palpatine-mode in the first place.
If they hadn't created Foucault and Derrida there wouldn't be wokism.
It was all downhill after the board let Eisner sack Katzenberg to stave off a coup.
Although really, it's all France's fault.
If they hadn't created Foucault and Derrida there wouldn't be wokism. And if French people hadn't been so down about Disney Paris then Eisner wouldn't have gone Palpatine-mode in the first place.
It was all downhill after the board let Eisner sack Katzenberg to stave off a coup.
Although, the risk of a coup was because of Disney Paris in the first place, so really this is all France's fault.