Sheet mane,
You're such an insufferable fuckin' halfwitted degenerate cunt. Neck yoself' already, batty boy. What the absolute fuck does it even mean to be a 'traitor' to some gay-as-an-AIDS-ridden-faggot's-asshole poor excuse of a 'country' like 'Murica? Why the fuck would anyone have loyalty to a country that does nothing while over a million of its people die of opioid overdoses each decade? You think that suicide is now the second-leading cause of death of Americunts between ages 18-29 because America is actually worth saving? Fuck off. Treason to America is loyalty to morality. It has long been in the true interest of all decent people that your utterly subhuman society and ideology be erased for good.
Anyone who is pro-Murica in 2022 is one massive fuckin' eejit. Dumb muhfuggin' libtard soggy cracka ass bitch.
Sheet mane,
You're such an insufferable fuckin' halfwitted degenerate cunt. Neck yoself' already, batty boy. What the absolute fuck does it even mean to be a 'traitor' to some gay-as-an-AIDS-ridden-faggot's-asshole poor excuse of a 'country' like 'Murica? Why the fuck would anyone have loyalty to a country that does nothing while over a million of its people die of opioid overdoses each decade? You think that suicide is now the second-leading cause of death of Americunts between ages 18-29 because America is actually worth saving? Fuck off. Treason to America is loyalty to morality. It's for the true interests of all decent people that your utterly subhuman society and ideology be erased for good.
Anyone who is pro-Murica in 2022 is one massive fuckin' eejit. Dumb muhfuggin' libtard soggy cracka ass bitch.
Sheet mane,
You're such an insufferable fuckin' halfwitted degenerate cunt. Neck yoself' already, batty boy. What the absolute fuck does it even mean to be a 'traitor' to some gay-as-an-AIDS-ridden-faggot's-asshole poor excuse of a 'country' like 'Murica? Why the fuck would anyone have loyalty to a country that does nothing while over a million of its people die of opioid overdoses each decade? Treason to America is loyalty to morality.
Anyone who is pro-Murica in 2022 is one massive fuckin' eejit. Dumb muhfuggin' libtard soggy cracka ass bitch.
Sheet mane,
You're such an insufferable fuckin' halfwitted degenerate cunt. Neck yoself' already, batty boy. What the absolute fuck does it even mean to be a 'traitor' to some gay-as-an-AIDS-ridden-faggot's-asshole poor excuse of a 'country' like 'Murica? Why the fuck would anyone have loyalty to a country that does nothing while over a million of its people die of opioid overdoses each decade?
Anyone who is pro-Murica in 2022 is one massive fuckin' eejit. Dumb muhfuggin' libtard soggy cracka ass bitch.