Perhaps, but it should be noted that If it werent for the commie FDR purposely goading them , we wouldnt have been in hot wars against Japan in the first place. And it was never for humanitarian reasons that America fought Japan. Since ww2, America has been invading Middle Eastern countries for the Rothschilds.
Perhaps, but it should be noted that If it werent for the commie FDR purposely goading them , we wouldnt have been in hot wars against Japan in the first place. And it was never for humanitarian reasons that America fought Japan. Since ww2, America has been invading and destroying Middle Eastern countries for the Rothschilds.
Perhaps, but it should be noted that If it werent for the commie FDR purposely goading them , we wouldnt have been in hot wars against Japan in the first place. And it was never for humanitarian reasons that America fought Japan. Since ww2, America has been invading and destroying Middle Eastern countries for Rothschilds.
Perhaps, but it should be noted that If it werent for the commie FDR purposely goading them , we wouldnt have been in hot wars against Japan in the first place.