Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West (and the East: after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymnastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Also Russia just declared martial law in Kherson, which means local men will be kidnapped into the Russian forces, to be forced into fighting against their countrymen including friends and own families.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West (and the East: after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymnastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Also Russia just declared martial law in Kherson, which means local men will be kidnapped into the Russian forces, to be forced into fighting against their countrymen including friends and families.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West (and the East: after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymnastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Also Russia just declared martial law in Kherson, which means local men will be kidnapped into the Russian forces to be forced into fighting against their countrymen including friends and families.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West (and the East: after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymnastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Also Russia just declared martial law in Kherson, which means local men will be kidnapped into the Russian forces to be forcee into fighting against their countrymen including friends and families.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West (and the East: after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymnastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Also Russia just declared martial law in Kherson, which means local men will be kidnapped into the Russian forces.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West (and the East: after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymnastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Also Russia just delcared martial law in Kherson, which means local men will be kidnapped into the Russian forces.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West (and the East: after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her arm also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian. And stop projeciting your own beliefs on them.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand by her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand heing her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). He's also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", eh? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
I told you, listen to them speaking in Russian.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand heing her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). He'e also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
"Anti-globalism", right? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, if it's just a globalism by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand heing her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). Hee also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
Anti-globalism, right? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, just by schizophrenic worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand heing her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). Hee also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
Anti-globalism, right? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too, just by worshippers of the long dead Bolsheviks.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand heing her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics"). Hee also a neo-Pagan AND a neo-Stalinist at the same time.
Anti-globalism, right? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too.
Here's the same madman repeating his theme in an official proposal from a forest somewhere:
No, he's not joking, and he sincerily believes literally the entire world (he has talked about China, Japan, USA, Australia, and so on) can "rejoin" Russia (or his beloved Soviet Union). This is whom Russia chose to be their local quisling, a local crazy person (he was never mentally stable, in 2017 he made news in the West after he made a video wildly swinging his newborn baby around with one hand heing her leg also in the woods as "cosmonaut gymanastics").
Anti-globalism, right? I know you're not really against imperialism, maybe now you will tell me you're not really against globalism too.