And yet you still don't have the balls to admit women are the majority of those behind it and their motive.
Is it because you're jumping on the obvious win that comes from opposing trannies after women start to?
It's like how Boris "More Feminine Way" Johnson's cronies jumped on the Tavistock enquiry after women expressed concern that there were too many girls being harmed and not enough castration.
And yet you still don't have the balls to admit women are the majority of those behind it and their motive.
Is it because you're jumping on the obvious win that comes from opposing trannies after women start to? It's like how Boris "More Feminine Way" Johnson's cronies jumped on the Tavistock enquiry after women expressed concern that there were too many girls being harmed and not even castration.
And yet you still don't have the balls to admit women are the majority of those behind it and their motive.
Is it because you're jumping on the obvious win that comes from opposing trannies after women start to?