I haven't bothered with masks or shots. Even when family literally brought it home, I was totally fine. Only illness I had within the past 2 years was a case of Bell's Palsy which I got some horse pills and was fine after a week. Fun fact about that, in the days leading up, lost my sense of taste and made the mistake of telling the clinic. They immediately demanded I get tested for COVID... After of course making an appointment somewhere else days later (which I didn't bother with). Suffice to say, I'm completely done with these biological mechanics.
I haven't bothered with masks or shots. Even when family literally brought it home, I was totally fine. Only illness I had within the past 2 years was a case of Bell's Palsy which I got some horse pills and was fine after a week. Fun fact about that, in the days leading up, lost my sense of taste and made the mistake of telling the clinic. They immediately demanded I get tested for COVID... After of course making an appointment somewhere else days later (which I didn't bother with). Suffice to say, I'm completely done with this biological mechanics.