Yeah, yeah . . . leftist fuckheads and heretical tranny false priests doing their "biblical quarterbacking," finding textual justification for this absolutely demonic mockery of humanity and creation.
Church buildings have bathrooms for men and women because they are bathrooms for human beings. If you opt out of humanity by disfiguring your genitals and/or claiming to be possessed by the opposite sex and are still too shy to use a stall, go shit in your hat (to quote Junior Soprano).
False prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, subverters of the good and wholesome. You'll get what you deserve, eventually. Everybody does.
To hell with all trannies and their political activists . . . literally.
Yeah, yeah . . . leftist fuckheads and heretical tranny false priests doing their "biblical quarterbacking," finding textual justification for this absolutely demonic mockery of humanity and creation.
Church buildings have bathrooms for men and women because they are bathrooms for human beings. If you opt out of humanity by disfiguring your genitals and/or impersonating the opposite sex and are still too shy to use a stall, go shit in your hat (to quote Junior Soprano).
False prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, subverters of the good and wholesome. You'll get what you deserve, eventually. Everybody does.
To hell with all trannies and their political activists . . . literally.