Bah, I try and give you respect sometimes Imp, but occasionally I wonder if you have the equipment upstairs to project another person's mindset. I make some imaginary Imp in my head only to have my projection of you humiliated by the shallowness of reality. It should be the other way around, you should humiliate my projection of you by outshining it with your depth and understanding.
Bah, I try and give you respect sometimes Imp, but occasionally I wonder if you have the equipment upstairs to project another person's mindset. I make some imaginary Imp in my head only to have my projection of you humiliated by the shallowness of reality.
Bah, I try and give you respect sometimes Imp, but occasionally I wonder if you have the equipment upstairs to project another person's mindset. Those moments are after I do exactly that to some imaginary Imp in my head, only to have my projection of you humiliated by the shallowness of reality.