It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artificial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from violently imploding upon itself, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over, until 15 years later this "country" of dozens of warring factions was only brought more or less together by the final Syrian invasion as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout a few years later still).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artificial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from violently imploding upon itself, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over, until 15 years later this "country" of dozens of warring factions was only brought more or less together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout a few years later still).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artificial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from violently imploding upon itself, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over, until 15 years later this "country" of dozens of warring factions was only brought together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout after some decade more of conflict).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artificial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from violently imploding upon itself, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over, until 15 years later this "country" of dozens of warring factions was only brought together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artificial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from imploding, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over, until this "country" of dozens of rival factions was only brought together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artifictial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from imploding, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over, until this "country" of dozens of rival factions was only brought together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artifictial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from imploding, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over and the "country" of dozens of rival factions was only brought together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artifictial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from imploding, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over and the country was only brought together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli occupation's pullout).
It wasn't "Lebanon", which is a hilariously dysfunctional and entirely artifictial creation of the French and British empires that needed the European and American watch and interventions to stop it from imploding, which happened anyway after the Palestinians of all people tried to take it over and the country was only brought together by the final Syrian intervention as a Syrian and Iranian puppet protectorate ever since (especially since "South Lebanon" ceased to exist literally instantly after the Israeli pullout).