KB had a kid once, which ameliorates her full-on leftism, but that is probably overcome by her bent Science! worship. Given her CA living, I wouldn't be surprised if her kid "chooses" to be a trannie... She had pink hair once or twice*. And she's LITERALLY Karen.
The rest (OP, above) is just her character, playing out. She seems to feel quite moral, about all the victimization she's packing around herself... Poor [semi-famous] [kinda-rich] [white privileged] Karen.
* never ignore nature's warning signs, especially on the public surfaces of the Godless
KB had a kid once, which ameliorates her full-on leftism, but that is probably overcome by her bent Science! worship. Given her CA living, I wouldn't be surprised if her kid "chooses" to be a trannie... She had pink hair once or twice*. And she's LITERALLY Karen.
The rest (OP, above) is just her character, playing out. She seems to feel quite moral, about all the victimization she's packing around herself... Poor [semi-famous] [kinda-rich] [white privileged] Karen.
* never ignore nature's warning signs, especially in the mouth of the Godless
KB had a kid once, which ameliorates her full-on leftism, but that is probably overcome by her bent Science! worship. Given her CA living, I wouldn't be surprised if her kid "chooses" to be a trannie... She had pink hair once or twice*. And she's LITERALLY Karen.
The rest (OP, above) is just her character, playing out. She seems to feel quite moral, about all the victimization she's packing around herself... Poor Karen.
* never ignore nature's warning signs, especially in the mouth of the Godless
KB had a kid once, which ameliorates her full-on leftism, but that is probably overcome by her bent Science! worship. Given hee CA living, I wouldn't be surprised if her kid "chooses" to be a trannie... She had pink hair once or twice*. And she's LITERALLY Karen.
The rest (OP, above) is just her character, playing out. She seems to feel quite moral, about all the victimization she's packing around herself... Poor Karen.
* never ignore nature's warning signs, especially in the mouth of the Godless