Both Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan hold Russian bases, but all combat personnel (or 85% of all) have left to be demilitarized in Ukraine.
Azeri forces have hit Russian bases and vehicles in Armenia (including the FSB "humanitarian mission in the combat zone") to no Russian response of any kind, other than fleeing.
Both Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan hold Russian bases, but all combat personnel have left to be demilitarized in Ukraine.
Azeri forces have hit Russian bases and vehicles in Armenia (including the FSB "humanitarian mission in the combat zone") to no Russian response of any kid, other than fleeing.
Both Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan hold Russian bases, but all combat personnel have left to be demilitarized in Ukraine.
Azeri forces have hit Russian bases and vehicles in Armenia (including the FSB "humanitarian convoy") to no Russian response of any kid, other than fleeing.