Easy as fuck to do: yoisi
Also everyone that upvoted his defense of Loli not being pedophilia
BigNose1998 posted explicitly arguing for pedophilia
todiwan thinks that not liking loli makes you a pedophile
JustHereForTheSalmon thinks that not liking loli means you support taking children to drag shows because condemning pedophilic "art" means you are a left wing pedophile
Steampunk_Moustache thinks that pokemon porn and loli are just normal shit that everyone is into. He also "thinks" people do not watch porn for sexual gratification and they are totally not into the material they view.
Easy as fuck to do: yoisi
Also everyone that upvoted his defense of Loli not being pedophilia
BigNose1998 posted explicitly arguing for pedophilia
todiwan thinks that not liking loli makes you a pedophile
JustHereForTheSalmon thinks that not liking loli means you support taking children to drag shows because condemning pedophilic "art" means you are a left wing pedophile
Steampunk_Moustache thinks that pokemon porn and loli are just normal shit that everyone is into
Easy as fuck to do: yoisi
Also everyone that upvoted his defense of Loli not being pedophilia
BigNose1998 posted explicitly arguing for pedophilia
todiwan thinks that not liking loli makes you a pedophile
JustHereForTheSalmon thinks that not liking loli means you support taking children to drag shows because condemning pedophilic "art" means you are a left wing pedophile
Easy as fuck to do: yoisi
Also everyone that upvoted his defense of Loli not being pedophilia
BigNose1998 posted explicitly arguing for pedophilia
todiwan thinks that not liking loli makes you a pedophile
Easy as fuck to do: yoisi
Also everyone that upvoted his defense of Loli not being pedophilia
Easy as fuck to do: yoisi
Also everyone that upvoted his defense of Loli not being pedophilia
Easy as fuck to do: yoisi