I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his disney princess gf. (Think their live-action remake-reboot-prequel things Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasn't even that much of a villain to begin with, the real villain was the physically ugly Ratcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his disney princess gf. (Think their live-action remake-reboot-prequel things Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasn't even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was the literally moustache-twirling and ugly Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his disney princess gf. (Think their live-action remake-reboot-prequel things Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasn't even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was the literally moustache-twirling Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his disney princess gf. (Think their live-action remake-reboot-prequel things Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasn't even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his disney princess gf. (Think their reimagined-remake-reboit-prequel-things Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasn't even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his disney princess gf. (Think their reimagined-remakes Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasn't even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his gf. (Think their reimagined-remakes Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasn't even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his gf. (Think their reimagined-remakes Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasnt even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Their own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a white, blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman-of-almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his gf. (Think their reimagined-remakes Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasnt even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.
I'm not even joking, at all. Look:
They can't make a literal white colonizer a good guy in current year. Theor own cultivated audience would burn down the Disney parks, literally.
They also can't have a white, blonde, blue-eyed MAN stealing not only land but even a woman of almost-color as a protagonist, even if it's not as bad as 1, but it's add to that and makes it even worse for current year.
They can either make him black (you know there are no other races, uncless it's Mulan where everyone is Asian and there are no black people), or change the story entirely and make it about Kocoum where he kills all the English and wins back his gf. (Think their reimagined-remakes Maleficent and Cruella, and Kocoum wasnt even that much of a villain to begin with, the real one was Radcliffe.)
Either this or that, they just can't do it otherwise.