the Saxon can begin to hate
The English.
The poem (Kipling's "The Beginnings") was calling for the English to hate the evil Saxons (of Saxony), reflecting the author's own mood after the Germans killed his own son in France and murdered civilians in England and elsewhere.
Tarrant lied to you.
the Saxon can begin to hate
The English.
The poem (Kipling's "The Beginnings") was calling for the English to hate the evil Saxons (of Saxony), reflecting the author's own mood after the Germans killed his own son in France and murdered civilians.
Tarrant lied to you.
the Saxon can begin to hate
The English.
The poem (Kipling's "The Beginnings") was calling for the English to hate the evil Saxons (of Saxony), reflecting the author's own mood after the Germans killed his son in France.
Tarrant lied to you.