The yahoo article is such a garble of Ukraine this and Zelensky that, it did not even cover the actual speech Putin made. Or provide any links.
His address was made in the far east in Vladivostok on Sept. 7, 2022 at the Seventh Annual Economic Forum and it discussed economic issues in Russia and the east with limited focus on Europe. I read it and just cannot find anywhere Putin said he would be cutting off gas to Europe. Can't find it.
This is a very good translation (long) -
Not only is Yahoo straight up lying in their article, their piece is such a jumble of unrelated topics, it's unreadable.
They just make shit up and figure you'll never bother checking.
The yahoo article is such a garble of Ukraine this and Zelensky that, it did not even cover the actual speech Putin made. Or provide any links.
The address was made in the far east in Vladivostok on Sept. 7, 2022 at the Seventh Annual Economic Forum and it discussed economic issues in Russia and the east with limited focus on Europe. I read it and just cannot find anywhere Putin said he would be cutting off gas to Europe. Can't find it.
This is a very good translation (long) -
Not only is Yahoo straight up lying in their article, their piece is such a jumble of unrelated topics, it's unreadable.
They just make shit up and figure you'll never bother checking.
The yahoo article is such a garble of Ukraine this and Zelensky that, it did not even cover the actual speech Putin made. Or provide any links.
The address was made in Vladivostok on Sept. 7, 2022 at the Seventh Annual Economic Forum and it discussed economic issues in Russia and the east with limited focus on Europe. I read it and just cannot find anywhere Putin said he would be cutting off gas to Europe. Can't find it.
This is a very good translation (long) -
Not only is Yahoo straight up lying in their article, their piece is such a jumble of unrelated topics, it's unreadable.
They just make shit up and figure you'll never bother checking.