One concern is that in countries that ban it such as the commonwealth nations is that if you are arrested then you will be forced to challenge said ban in court to avoid a defamatory wrongful conviction, and that is likely allot more expensive than politically charged court cases as you will have to find a good lawyer who will bring in experts rather than demand you take a plea deal.
As a Canadian citizen I am concerned I may not be able to find a lawyer who will actually try to help me, meaning that I will be forced to represent myself in court as the public defender will simply demand I take a plea deal, and there is a high probability out of control arguments will break out because the prosecutor will slander me as a pedo while I attempt to explain with no real legal studying that lolisho should not be considered child porn. As a result I would likely end up getting the maximum sentence for the false CP charges and will struggle to force the prison staff to put me in protective custody as I would be unfit for BOTH general pop. and the sex offender unit as my false charges are controversial and I am not a real sex offender.
One concern is that in countries that ban it such as the commonwealth nations is that if you are arrested then you will be forced to challenge said law in court to avoid a defamatory wrongful conviction, and that is likely allot more expensive than politically charged court cases as you will have to find a good lawyer who will bring in experts rather than demand you take a plea deal.
As a Canadian citizen I am concerned I may not be able to find a lawyer who will actually try to help me, meaning that I will be forced to represent myself in court as the public defender will simply demand I take a plea deal, and there is a high probability out of control arguments will break out because the prosecutor will slander me as a pedo while I attempt to explain with no real legal studying that lolisho should not be considered child porn. As a result I would likely end up getting the maximum sentence for the false CP charges and will struggle to force the prison staff to put me in protective custody as I would be unfit for BOTH general pop. and the sex offender unit as my false charges are controversial and I am not a real sex offender.
One concern is that in countries that ban it such as the commonwealth nations is that if you are arrested then you will be forced to challenge said law in court, and that is likely allot more expensive than politically charged court cases as you will have to find a good lawyer who will bring in experts rather than demand you take a plea deal.
As a Canadian citizen I am concerned I may not be able to find a lawyer who will actually try to help me, meaning that I will be forced to represent myself in court as the public defender will simply demand I take a plea deal, and there is a high probability out of control arguments will break out because the prosecutor will slander me as a pedo while I attempt to explain with no real legal studying that lolisho should not be considered child porn. As a result I would likely end up getting the maximum sentence for the false CP charges and will struggle to force the prison staff to put me in protective custody as I would be unfit for BOTH general pop. and the sex offender unit as my false charges are controversial and I am not a real sex offender.