My comment from another post on this:
This would be sorta cool, if I'd never seen a single bit of sci-fi, and/or didn't know how fucking terrible people can be. If people were perfect, they could make almost any system work. If they're not, any system with a big point of failure, or point for potential tyrannical control or massive inequality is a system that's going to fucking suck. This looks like slavery, starvation, and destitution waiting to happen. I mean, if it weren't complete fiction to begin with, of course.
Decentralization will almost always beat centralization.
Also, end-to-end in twenty minutes? So you're packing the world's third fastest trains* into the most densely populated...well, anything, in human history, or something? You'd have to do a bunch of them, too, if you expect anything but massive waiting lines to even start a journey.
No, if this were real, you'd either have people confined to their own "unique communities," likely suffering greatly, or you'd have the occasional and probably extremely deadly high speed train/whatever derailment.
This whole thing is absolutely fucking retarded.
* EDIT: Realized it would probably have to beat out the current fastest trains to be the new world's fastest trains, not third fastest, because I didn't take frequent stops and dis/embarking into account. All that cuts into overall time by a huge margin, so it would have to be even faster than I thought, by a big factor, and I'm not even sure how you safely and quickly start and stop at the speeds it would need to be going, and still manage to make twenty minute trips.
My comment from another post on this:
This would be sorta cool, if I'd never seen a single bit of sci-fi, and/or didn't know how fucking terrible people can be. If people were perfect, they could make almost any system work. If they're not, any system with a big point of failure, or point for potential tyrannical control or massive inequality is a system that's going to fucking suck. This looks like slavery, starvation, and destitution waiting to happen. I mean, if it weren't complete fiction to begin with, of course.
Decentralization will almost always beat centralization.
Also, end-to-end in twenty minutes? So you're packing the world's third fastest trains* into the most densely populated...well, anything, in human history, or something? You'd have to do a bunch of them, too, if you expect anything but massive waiting lines to even start a journey.
No, if this were real, you'd either have people confined to their own "unique communities," likely suffering greatly, or you'd have the occasional and probably extremely deadly high speed train/whatever derailment.
This whole thing is absolutely fucking retarded.
- EDIT: Realized it would probably have to beat out the current fastest trains to be the new world's fastest trains, not third fastest, because I didn't take frequent stops and dis/embarking into account. All that cuts into overall time by a huge margin, so it would have to be even faster than I thought, by a big factor, and I'm not even sure how you safely and quickly start and stop at the speeds it would need to be going, and still manage to make twenty minute trips.
My comment from another post on this:
This would be sorta cool, if I'd never seen a single bit of sci-fi, and/or didn't know how fucking terrible people can be. If people were perfect, they could make almost any system work. If they're not, any system with a big point of failure, or point for potential tyrannical control or massive inequality is a system that's going to fucking suck. This looks like slavery, starvation, and destitution waiting to happen. I mean, if it weren't complete fiction to begin with, of course.
Decentralization will almost always beat centralization.
Also, end-to-end in twenty minutes? So you're packing the world's third fastest trains into the most densely populated...well, anything, in human history, or something? You'd have to do a bunch of them, too, if you expect anything but massive waiting lines to even start a journey.
No, if this were real, you'd either have people confined to their own "unique communities," likely suffering greatly, or you'd have the occasional and probably extremely deadly high speed train/whatever derailment.
This whole thing is absolutely fucking retarded.