Surreal. Horrifying. Does the English elite really hate the working class that deeply? I mean, their opposition to Brexit was bad enough for exposing the contempt the upper classes have for the working class, but this is just beyond the pale.
It's like the last 60 years or so has seen both the rise in anti-class rhetoric from the English left accompanied by their extreme abuse of class privilege, using it to shit on and silence people like the Downes.
Surreal. Horrifying. Does the English elite really hate the working class that deeply? I mean, their opposition to Brexit was bad enough for exposing the contempt the upper classes have for the working class, but this is just beyond the pale.
It's like the last 60 years or so has seen both the rise in anti-class rhetoric from the English left accompanied by their extreme abuse of class privilege, used to shit on and silence people like the Downes.
Surreal. Horrifying. Does the English elite really hate the working class that deeply? I mean, their opposition to Brexit was bad enough for exposing the contempt the upper classes have for the working class, but this is just beyond the pale.
It's like the last 60 years or so has seen both the rise in anti-class rhetoric from the English left accompanied by the extreme abuse of class privilege, used to shit on and silence people like the Downes.