Hearty kek.
Seriously though, there isn't. The street fighter tits in that pic are considerably above average, but the variation of breast sizes is in the real world is absolutely massive. They range from absolutely nothing to the size of fucking beach balls.
Those are not 'ridiculously large'. 'Ridiculously large' tits are bigger than the woman's head and hang past her bellybutton, if not to her hips.
On a fat woman, 'ridiculously large' is literally each tit the size of a small child curled into a ball.
Anyone can go outside on any day of the week, through a busy public area, and expect to see tits bigger than those within 10 minutes.
Hearty kek.
Seriously though, there isn't. They're considerably above average, but the variation of breast sizes is absolutely massive.
Those are not 'ridiculously large'. 'Ridiculously large' tits are bigger than the woman's head and hang past her bellybutton, if not to her hips.
On a fat woman, 'ridiculously large' is literally each tit the size of a small child curled into a ball.
Anyone can go outside on any day of the week, through a busy public area, and expect to see tits bigger than those within 10 minutes.