Cubazuela plus Nicaragua (who are being joined by Peru, Chile, Colombia, etc as old Communist guerrillas finally get to power throughout the region despite having failed with armed revolutionary struggles, just like in V originally) are getting massively propped by Russia now. They're not collapsing, they're on the march like never before.
Cubazuela plus Nicaragua (who are being joined by Peru, Colombia, etc as old Communist guerrillas finally get to power throughout the region despite having failed with armed revolutionary struggles, just like in V originally) are getting massively propped by Russia now. They're not collapsing, they're on the march like never before.
Cubazuela (who are being joined by Peru, Colombia, etc as old Communist guerrillas finally get to power throughout the region) are getting massively propped by Russia now. They're not collapsing, they're on the march like never before.
Cubazuela (who are being joined by Peru, Colombia, etc as old Communist guerrillas finally get to power through the region) are getting massively propped by Russia now. They're not collapsing, they're on the march like never before.
Cubazuela (who are being joined by Peru, Colombia, etc as old Communist guerrillas finally get to power through the region) are getting massively propped by Russia now.