I thought they already did, in like 2015.
A leftoid named Lefteris in the European Parliament didn't like it, years ago: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2019-002564_EN.html
These decisions mark a further escalation of anti-communism. They forbid political action by Communists, violating their right freely to disseminate their ideas. They demonstrate the hypocritical nature of the declarations on ‘human rights and freedoms’ and ‘freedom of the press’ that the EU systematically champions whenever it is confronted with governments that are not to its liking and its interests are at stake.
In the case of Ukraine, as well as Poland and the Baltic states, governments with EU support are promoting such provocative anti-communist decisions on the basis of a historically illiterate reading of the past which consists in equating communism with the monstrosity that is fascism. At the same time, the government of the Ukraine and Ukrainian business groups are enjoying the benefits of a series of agreements with the EU, such as the so-called EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
I thought they already did.
A leftoid named Lefteris in the European Parliament didn't like it, years ago: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2019-002564_EN.html
These decisions mark a further escalation of anti-communism. They forbid political action by Communists, violating their right freely to disseminate their ideas. They demonstrate the hypocritical nature of the declarations on ‘human rights and freedoms’ and ‘freedom of the press’ that the EU systematically champions whenever it is confronted with governments that are not to its liking and its interests are at stake.
In the case of Ukraine, as well as Poland and the Baltic states, governments with EU support are promoting such provocative anti-communist decisions on the basis of a historically illiterate reading of the past which consists in equating communism with the monstrosity that is fascism. At the same time, the government of the Ukraine and Ukrainian business groups are enjoying the benefits of a series of agreements with the EU, such as the so-called EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, at the expense of the Ukrainian people.