Marrying your in-law is considered squicky in modern Western society, and may have been squicky to earlier peoples adopting Christianity but without first being Jewish, and not appreciating the delciacies of Jewish law - or giving two shits about it, or seeing what it has to do with them. It's not how it's preached by the preachers, it's how it's glossed over in the minds of the masses. There's also that concept of a kid you fathered in wedlock somehow not being legally "yours".
See, this is why the stories need updating, but with the messages intact. The Woke crowd is doing it first, but changing the messaging.
Marrying your in-law is considered squicky in modern Western society, and may have been squicky to earlier peoples adopting Christianity but without first being Jewish, and not appreciating the delciacies of Jewish law - or giving two shits about it, or seeing what it has to do with them. It's not how it's preached by the preachers, it's how it's glossed over in the minds of the masses. There's also that concept of a kid you fathered in wedlock somehow not being legally "yours".