Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media.
Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Not a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining of the lockdowns. Had the guy tried to go to a shelter for victims of domestic violence to hide with his kids, he would have been refused, because shelters refuse male victims or fathers of kids abused by the mother.
Duluth model in action.
Please ignore men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likell to die in a work accident. Apparently THAT is not a reflection of how society trivializes male deaths. The real victims are women. Always.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media.
Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Not a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining of the lockdowns. Had the guy tried to go to a shelter for victims of domestic violence to hide with his kids, he would have been refused, because shelters refuse male victims or fathers of kids abused by the mother.
Duluth model in action.
Please ignore men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likell to die in a work accident. Apparently THAT is not a reflection of hpw society trivializes male deaths. The real victims are women. Always.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media.
Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Not a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining of the lockdowns. Had the guy tried to go to a shelter for victims of domestic violence to hide with his kids, he would have been refused, because shelters refuse male victims or fathers of kids abused by the mother.
Duluth model in action.
Please ignore men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident. The real victims are women. Always.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media.
Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Not a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining of the lockdowns. Had the guy tried to go to a shelter for victims of domestic violence to hide with his kids, he would have been refused, because shelters refuse male victims or fathers of kods abused by the mother.
Duluth model in action.
Please ignore men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident. The real victims are women. Always.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media.
Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Not a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining of the lockdowns. Had the guy tried to go to a shelter for victims of domestic violence to hide with hid kids, he would have been refused, because shelters refuse male victims or fathers of kods abused by the mother.
Duluth model in action.
Please ignore men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident. The real victims are women. Always.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media.
Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Not a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining of the lockdowns.
Duluth model in action.
Please ignored men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media.
Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Not a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining ofnthe lockdowns.
Please ignored men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools and media. Which was swiftly enacted with campaings shaming men because "hey dude, violence against women is NEVER okay. It stops now." Non a word about the more aboundant violence against men and boys though.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining ofnthe lockdowns.
Please ignored men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increacing threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools.
It's always "a crisis of misoginist male violence" which reflects on society as a whole when a woman is killed, but crickets when a woman tried to murder her two children, succeeding for one, at the begining ofnthe lockdowns.
Please ignored men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident.
Canadian media recently adopted as writing style guideline to highlight women getting killed as femicides / féminicides.
Because women are always special victims who need more exclusive ressources to feminists orgs, and men are an ever-increading threat the needs adressing by more overbearing government and propaganda in schools.
Please ignored men are 2 to 3 times more likely to get killed, and 5 to 10 times more likepy to die in a work accident.