Russia is using conscripts, conscripted in Ukraine (from all men aged 18-55, and actually even those over 65).
German spelling sure is wacky.
They give them little to not training and literally 100 years old rifles (no, really 100 years old).
Russia is using conscripts, conscripted in Ukraine (from all men aged 18-55, and actually even those over 65).
German spelling sure is wacky.
They give them little to not training and literally 100 years old rifles.
Russia is using conscripts, conscripted in Ukraine (from all men aged 18-55, and actually even those over 65).
German spelling sure is wacky.
They give them literally 100 years old rifles.
Russia is using conscripts, conscripted in Ukraine (from all men aged 18-55, and actually even those over 65).
German spelling sure is wacky.
Russia is using conscripts, conscripted in Ukraine (from all men aged 18-55).
German spelling sure is wacky.
Russia is using conscripts, conscripted in Ukraine (all men aged 18-55).
German spelling sure is wacky.
Russia is using conscripts, conscripted in Ukraine (all men aged 18-55).