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This probably deserves a 40 page manifesto to explain perfectly but ill just try to do the abridged version.

TL;DR upfront: all the reforms for all the problems, goals being stability, growth, and elevation of quality of life.

"Intelligence crisis" is a term I coined around 2010, crusius plagiarized stuff I wrote on /pol/ around about 5 years for his manifesto and combined it with violence of tarrant's.

Essentially we are becoming outmoded, eventually machines will be capable of doing everything we do but as that happens the trivial labor, mind numbing, and back breaking labor will be the first to be meaningfully passed to automation. Low skill low mental effort work, high physical demand, and monotonous tasks, these are jobs that the low IQ plebs with low social mobility do currently. Sub 83IQ is essentially unemployable, the military categorizes it as "counter productive", (I know kids today have been taught race and IQ have no correlation but that's a dogmatic lie to hide the blatant reality of decades and decades of testing data)that's half the black population and nearly a third of latinos, that's the current situation, in 10 years sub 95 IQ will be unemployable that's 90%+ of the black population and just over two thirds of latinos and about 30% of whites. IQ isn't completely static education reform and public health reform can mitigate this to a minor degree upfront but the vast majority of people will never move 10 IQ points above their base line even with the best schools and conditions. This means by the year 2030, without reforms, 80-100 million unemployable latinos and 42 million unemployable blacks along with 40 million unemployable we're looking at nearly 2/3rds of america being automated out of work.

Do you know what happened to the domestic horse population after the rise of the automobile? over 90% were liquidated in 15 years, the turnaround cycle from the high income to the low income in new car to used car purchase pipeline. What do you think the rulling class are up to in regards to population control knowing all the above?

You've got the tip of the iceberg of "why" for the difficult things I'm now going to propose.

We must remove the black population in totality, offer a large reparations retirement package to all blacks in the west to surrender all claims to citizenship and go to africa western blacks average 80-85 IQ african blacks average 60-65 IQ, every african country will want our blacks especially when they bring trillions in economic weight, the world will invest in housing and business and expect a new african middle class to rise china will try to snag influence through sending contractors to build housing for 40 million new people, we teach our blacks to protect their money via investment and america will create an international bank to protect the funds of our expatriate blacks in hopes that more leave of their own volition. When few remain we force them to africa take all the boers out by treatise of population exchanges our stake in africa and withhold food while blockading the continent under the pretense of an airborne rabies epidemic, footage of cannibalism and violence will cover the story, we use AI to evaluate the most suitable blacks to hold a colony on an island somewhere to preserve genetic information and depopulate the rest of sub saharan africa.

Its worth mentioning a quirk of genetics, return to the mean, if the smartest black man and the smartest black woman on earth had a baby the bulk of their genetics is still the average gene-code for their race so their children have a relatively high chance of being average IQ for their race this is true of all races and people, eugenics isn't complete from one generation, it takes generations of selective pressure to change an average distribution.

Deport all non white presenting latinos, and tell the white presenting ones to follow their loyalties, they should go back if they want to help those people because the countries we will flood with their own people will be overwhelmed and need new business leaders and innovators and educated workers. Ask white liberals who fancy diversity to do the same. Their economies can survive another 15 years at least after our automation-genesis on standard labor before they need to follow us. How do we get them gone? Gradually, ilegals first, criminal rexords on residents next, we declare that all immigration policy/law set by dems after 2008 is fruit of the poison tree because democrats stole every election from obama on, therefore legal immigrants and citizens must reapply for citizenship and then we expand that poison fruit range gradually untill we declare the 1964 immigration act a violation of our constitution and deport all non whites. Who immigrated in their lifetime and their children. Grandfather 3rd generation immigrants and after but encourage everyone who doesn't want to live in a white ethnostate to remigrate to their genetic homeland or go to South America and help float that civilization.

There is no unique genetic value left in the mongrel soup of south america, it's an ugly mixed pot that more mixing wouldn't hurt, USA and canada may yet be saved that fate. This will seem less cruel when I get to genetic engineering. Sending educated westerners who oppose my reforms to prop up south america is a good punishment for liberals but will help save global markets and food supply in the long run, preventing global collapse.

Offer statehood to canadian provinces so they may benefit from our immigration laws and restore rights of statehood lost in the civil war. This deserves about 5 pages of further explanation, sorry

Education reform, with our 85%+ white society we raise education standards back up, separate the sexes at grade 4, add 2 years to compulsory education, integrate paid internships into late education, require an A and B plan for employment in graduation for all but doctors and and housewives, yes we will make housewife a dedicated B plan in education for girls, it will include business lessons so that they can manage an automation sweatshop in their basement or kitchen and how to sell their products. Along with how to grow food and rear children, boys will get courses on female psychology to help them keep their wives happy. This all deserves ten pages and I'm willing to go into more detail we will encourage traditional morality, intergenerational housing and young marriages in one sense i would kill the modern concept of childhood but would also destroy the boomer/pre-boomer sensibilities about "adult and childish things" these decisions are based on the value of stable family units and the marital success rates for virginity and early marriages, yet again I could write many pages on this. In essence well demand more maturity from youths and less banality from adults, essentially interpreting a traditional society and a return to traditional culture without losing too much of what has been gained and is worth keeping in the misbegotten efforts of progressivism. In other words we will kill whore culture and make romanticism and family life the key societal virtues.

Pursue these policies in other white nations.

Genetic engineering will come but it will be to late to solve the growing pains of the 4th automation revolution, growing pains which could collapse civilization and for which all I have written above is meant for, the racial tilt obviously has my own racial biases in it, I want my people to survive and thrive, obviously, but it is also to avoid mass race war. You see in collapse and liquidation stage of the unaddressed intelligence crisis tribalism will prevail, "diversity is our strength" will have become the poison pill which kills tens of millions in America and leads to open racial conflict and likely targeting of infrastructure that our civilization relies upon to feed itself and survive from the weather. If footage gets out the violence will become global just like the floyd riots. Separation will save us, except africa, eaters and polluters millennia behind genetically can't be saved with so much to lose. This will solve food supply issues brought on by supply chain degradation at the death of globalization under economic strain from automation and the subsequent financial collapse of the lower middle class, giving excess low intelligence whites a task to recolonize africa and giving China a sink for it's excess men will sustain the west and the east and solve food supply issues and allow us in short order to ditch toxic pesticides and herbicides which poison the end consumer. With all the delays we've bought by pushing out hispanics and destroying the blacks we can sustain civilization in the face of collapse long enough to solve our next intelligence crisis by using genetic engineering to raise the public's life span, health-economic efficiency and intelligence, we must have some neuro-diversity to protect the species but we can regulate these things. We should also ban human animal hybridization and splicing, many countries will lose part or all of their racial identity as they pursue western beauty or anime beauty, encourage this in south america, maybe japan and korea should set laws protecting their genetic integrity, western nations if freed from the current enemy will only need mild regulation.

What enemy you ask? It's obvious that we will be opposed by jews at every step of this plan and so we must remove them for most of this to go smoothly. We must convince blacks and latinos to hate them, jews have a vested interest in diversity, if we make it a weakness we can reclaim our stolen autonomy in their confusion. If we don't push them out quickly liquidation will be designed to target whites because they resent us deeply for being their rivals in history, whites will be oppressed more than now, our children will be put on hormones and we will be disarmed, jewish hubris will collapse civilization and start a new dark age. Then they will use genetic engineering, deceit and guilt to make they goyim a slave race to avoid developing robots to do backbreaking labor. If we don't isolate them completely in israel and lock them in they will sabotage the world at every turn. And yes there is more to write here and more context to give but this is already far too long.

As I see it we can collapse and destroy humanity forever or the current system must be reformed to elevate humanity. There is no middle road.

For brevity I left out the section on environmental issues.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

This probably deserves a 40 page manifesto to explain perfectly but ill just try to do the abridged version.

TL;DR upfront: all the reforms for all the problems, goals being stability, growth, and elevation of quality of life.

"Intelligence crisis" is a term I coined around 2010, crusius plagiarized stuff I wrote on /pol/ around about 5 years for his manifesto and combined it with violence of tarrant's.

Essentially we are becoming outmoded, eventually machines will be capable of doing everything we do but as that happens the trivial labor, mind numbing, and back breaking labor will be the first to be meaningfully passed to automation. Low skill low mental effort work, high physical demand, and monotonous tasks, these are jobs that the low IQ plebs with low social mobility do currently. Sub 83IQ is essentially unemployable, the military categorizes it as "counter productive", (I know kids today have been taught race and IQ have no correlation but that's a dogmatic lie to hide the blatant reality of decades and decades of testing data)that's half the black population and nearly a third of latinos, that's the current situation, in 10 years sub 95 IQ will be unemployable that's 90%+ of the black population and just over two thirds of latinos and about 30% of whites. IQ isn't completely static education reform and public health reform can mitigate this to a minor degree upfront but the vast majority of people will never move 10 IQ points above their base line even with the best schools and conditions. This means by the year 2030, without reforms, 80-100 million unemployable latinos and 42 million unemployable blacks along with 40 million unemployable we're looking at nearly 2/3rds of america being automated out of work.

Do you know what happened to the domestic horse population after the rise of the automobile? over 90% were liquidated in 15 years, the turnaround cycle from the high income to the low income in new car to used car purchase pipeline. What do you think the rulling class are up to in regards to population control knowing all the above?

You've got the tip of the iceberg of "why" for the difficult things I'm now going to propose.

We must remove the black population in totality, offer a large reparations retirement package to all blacks in the west to surrender all claims to citizenship and go to africa western blacks average 80-85 IQ african blacks average 60-65 IQ, every african country will want our blacks especially when they bring trillions in economic weight, the world will invest in housing and business and expect a new african middle class to rise china will try to snag influence through sending contractors to build housing for 40 million new people, we teach our blacks to protect their money via investment and america will create an international bank to protect the funds of our expatriate blacks in hopes that more leave of their own volition. When few remain we force them to africa take all the boers out by treatise of population exchanges our stake in africa and withhold food while blockading the continent under the pretense of an airborne rabies epidemic, footage of cannibalism and violence will cover the story, we use AI to evaluate the most suitable blacks to hold a colony on an island somewhere to preserve genetic information and depopulate the rest of sub saharan africa.

Its worth mentioning a quirk of genetics, return to the mean, if the smartest black man and the smartest black woman on earth had a baby the bulk of their genetics is still the average gene-code for their race so their children have a relatively high chance of being average IQ for their race this is true of all races and people, eugenics isn't complete from one generation, it takes generations of selective pressure to change an average distribution.

Deport all non white presenting latinos, and tell the white presenting ones to follow their loyalties, they should go back if they want to help those people because the countries we will flood with their own people will be overwhelmed and need new business leaders and innovators and educated workers. Ask white liberals who fancy diversity to do the same. Their economies can survive another 15 years at least after our automation-genesis on standard labor before they need to follow us. How do we get them gone? Gradually, ilegals first, criminal rexords on residents next, we declare that all immigration policy/law set by dems after 2008 is fruit of the poison tree because democrats stole every election from obama on, therefore legal immigrants and citizens must reapply for citizenship and then we expand that poison fruit range gradually untill we declare the 1964 immigration act a violation of our constitution and deport all non whites. Who immigrated in their lifetime and their children. Grandfather 3rd generation immigrants and after but encourage everyone who doesn't want to live in a white ethnostate to remigrate to their genetic homeland or go to South America and help float that civilization.

There is no unique genetic value left in the mongrel soup of south america, it's an ugly mixed pot that more mixing wouldn't hurt, USA and canada may yet be saved that fate. This will seem less cruel when I get to genetic engineering. Sending educated westerners who oppose my reforms to prop up south america is a good punishment for liberals but will help save global markets and food supply in the long run, preventing global collapse.

Offer statehood to canadian provinces so they may benefit from our immigration laws and restore rights of statehood lost in the civil war. This deserves about 5 pages of further explanation, sorry

Education reform, with our 85%+ white society we raise education standards back up, separate the sexes at grade 4, add 2 years to compulsory education, integrate paid internships into late education, require an A and B plan for employment in graduation for all but doctors and and housewives, yes we will make housewife a dedicated B plan in education for girls, it will include business lessons so that they can manage an automation sweatshop in their basement or kitchen and how to sell their products. Along with how to grow food and rear children, boys will get courses on female psychology to help them keep their wives happy. This all deserves ten pages and I'm willing to go into more detail we will encourage traditional morality, intergenerational housing and young marriages in one sense i would kill the modern concept of childhood but would also destroy the boomer/pre-boomer sensibilities about "adult and childish things" these decisions are based on the value of stable family units and the marital success rates for virginity and early marriages, yet again I could write many pages on this. In essence well demand more maturity from youths and less banality from adults, essentially interpreting a traditional society and a return to traditional culture without losing too much of what has been gained and is worth keeping in the misbegotten efforts of progressivism. In other words we will kill whore culture and make romanticism and family life the key societal virtues.

Pursue these policies in other white nations

2 years ago
1 score