Corporations start as moral-neutral; there is no assumption of goodness or innocence or immaturity, no mission outside of profit or survival or signalling. And no excuses.
If they manifest evil: they should forever be judged and remembered for that evil. It may not mean final dissolution, but it MUST be at least deterent to like-behavior in the future. Netflix is not a soul or an imager of God; it has no high calling. I have ZERO imperative to forgive it, outside my own desire to do so. Or my thorough-going lack of desire to do so.
Corporations start as moral-neutral; there is no assumption of goodness or innocence or immaturity, no mission outside of profit or survival or signalling. And no excuses.
If they manifest evil: they should forever be judged and remembered for that evil. It may not mean final dissolution, but it MUST be at least deterent to like-behavior in the future. Netflix is not a soul or an imager of God; it has no high calling. I have ZERO imperative to forgive it, outside my own desire to do so. Or my thorough-going lack of desire to do so.